On this day in 1759, Robert Burns was born. Since 1801, people have gathered to celebrate his birth with a fairly strict ceremony of haggis, bagpipes, drink, poetry and song.
This year my parents are reviving their Burns' Night party. In the easy era before children, they threw several parties honoring the bard. They sounded like an extremely good time. Mother even finagled her way to getting sheep gut to make haggis! This year she ordered one, apparently the government is worried about TB and this is somehow related to sheep gut. (I don't actually want to know.) A group of friends and I are driving to Ohio to be there for the party Saturday night. It should be a good time. If you are in the central Ohio area and are interested in reading some poetry (or have or can simulate a nice brogue), drop me a line!
(Check out the links above. You will learn so much about haggis and Robert Burns.)
I love the idea of a R. Burns party (even if the "R" stands for "Robert" rather than "Roberta"!!! :)
Posted by: Bertie | January 26, 2006 at 09:23 AM
I love the idea of a R. Burns party (even if the "R" stands for "Robert" rather than "Roberta"!!! :)
Posted by: Bertie | January 26, 2006 at 09:25 AM